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The favorite toy of cats who love feathers, the great Edenvane classic is back!

Its feathers and fresh crushed catnip make it irresistible to most of our kitties.

We have studied the making of Zozio to meet the preferences of cats who like:
- play with feathers
- quality catnip
- play football

(for cats who like to carry toys in triumph or who like to scratch with the hind legs: prefer the Serpent or the Matachabi of Edenvane.
For cats who love sons or like throwing their toys in the air: choose the Edenvane Beebop.
For cats who love to wear soft toys or scratch them with their hind legs: opt for the Ferret or the Toudoux d'Edenvane.)

The Zozio is available in 3 colors, its stitching is tripled, its fabric is super scratch / bite resistant (jeans), its feathers are natural (ostrich, goose or turkey) and it contains high quality catnip which makes it super attractive.

Size: approx. 15 cm (+ feathers)

ZOZIO Catnip

  • Ses plumes et sa cataire fraîche broyée le rendent irrésistible pour la majorité de nos loulous.

    Nous avons étudié la confection du Zozio pour répondre aux préférences des chats qui aiment :
    - jouer avec des plumes
    - la cataire de qualité
    - jouer au foot

    Ses coutures sont triplées, son tissu est super résistant aux griffures/morsures, ses plumes sont naturelles (autruche, oie ou dinde) et il contient de l'herbe de haute qualité qui le rend hyper attractif.

    Taille : env. 14 cm x 14 cm (+ bec + plumes)

    Attention : les plumes peuvent varier de la photo en fonction des disponibilités en stock.

Related Products

ATTENTION: following a period of large orders, our stocks are being remanufactured and some items are missing or absent for the moment: sorry for the inconvenience caused.

EDENVANE - Vanessa Gasser

  • Feline behaviorist

  • Cat food advisor and trainer

  • Manufacturer of cat accessories

  • Ex breeder of Siamese and Tonkinese

50 rue de Lixheim



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