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Games and Toys for cats


Colliers motif chat

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

ATTENTION: following a period of large orders, our stocks are being remanufactured and some items are missing or absent for the moment: sorry for the inconvenience caused.

EDENVANE - Vanessa Gasser


  • Feline behaviorist



  • Cat food advisor and trainer



  • Manufacturer of cat accessories


  • Ex breeder of Siamese and Tonkinese



50 rue de Lixheim



Phone: 00336.



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Certificate of capacity cat n ° 57-235

approved by the Moselle DDPP.

Siren 753 384 957

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Certificat de capacité chat n°57-235

homologué par la DDPP de Moselle.

Siren 753 384 957

© 2007- 2020 Edenvane.

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